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Authority Magazine | Alex Feldman Of Alexander Daas On The Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times

2 min read

Our Founder, Alex, was interviewed for an article in Authority Magazine titled “Alex Feldman Of Alexander Daas On The Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times.” The interview discusses Alex’s background, the brand’s mission, the five most important things a business leader should do to lead effectively during uncertain times and more. 

Here is a preview of the article, and you can click on the link above to read the entire thing.


Authority Magazine Article - Alex Feldman of Alexander Daas - Five Things You Need to be a Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times

A few highlights include:

  • “We deliver on our purpose through an eyewear experience that looks at the dynamics of peoples’ lives: what they do for a living, what activities make them happy, and we blend that with their skin tone, face shape and personal style to craft customized lens options and frames that will literally change how they see and feel.”
  • “We did various trainings and worked on a plan for how we would open our doors as fast and safe as possible, even while most were closed, to ensure people had access to eyewear, repairs and cleaning especially as screen time, board game time and time outdoors was on the rise.”
  • “Bring your team into the conversation. Ask them what they would do and how they want to be involved. Let them know how vital they are to the team and being able to get through the challenge together.”
  • “Transparency with your team: During uncertain and turbulent times, the business leader is not the only one that knows things are going to be rocky. Keeping your team in the dark will only make them stress and worried, possibly thinking about jumping ship, etc. Keeping them in the loop can settle their fears, even in the face of a challenge and now they can be part of the solution and help navigate back to victory.”

Authority Magazine is a publication devoted to sharing feature interviews of people who are authorities in business, film, sports and tech. It utilizes interviews to draw out stories that are both empowering and actionable.

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